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Lisp Book Errata

jeudi 11 janvier 2018, par queinnec

This is the errata page for the LiSP (Lisp in Small Pieces) book. Many thanks to Luc Moreau, William Annis, John Gerard Malecki, Peter Keller, Ville Ranta-aho, Sam Ritchie and mostly Kris Katterjohn who detected these anomalies.


So far only two bugs !

p61, p62, replace the-uninitialized-marker by the-non-initialized-marker

p178 : the function cps-begin (in src/chap5f.scm) should rather be :

(define (cps-begin e)
  (if (pair? e)
      (if (pair? (cdr e))
          (let ((void (gensym "void")))
            (lambda (k)
              ((cps (car e))
               (lambda (a)
                 ((cps-begin (cdr e))
                  (lambda (b)
                    (k `((lambda (,void) ,b) ,a)) ) ) ) ) ) )
          (cps (car e)) )
      (cps '()) ) )

Typos chapter 0 To the reader

page XVIII : replace We use numbers are they are'' withWe use numbers as they are’’.

Typos chapter 1

p7, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence : remove the first occurrence of special'', the sentence should now be read asWhen a form does not begin with a keyword, we say that it is a functional application or more simply an application’’.

Typos chapter 2

p39, line 2 : replace colon by comma before just'' p39, line 3: replace comma by colon beforeAt’’
p39 last 2 lines : replace ’positive’ by ’positive or zero’, replace 1 by 0.

p47, paragraph 3 : remove comma after the word Scheme'' p61, line 2: change symbol PI intobody’’

p63, middle of page : add open parenthesis before <code>lambda (x) (... x))</code>'' {{{ Typos chapter 3 }}} p74, section 3.1.1: 'this facts makes' should be read as 'this fact makes' p82, last paragraph, 1st sentence: changeit dynamic extent’’ into its dynamic extent'' p94, lines 8,9: of the example computation, replace {argument-cont ()} by {argument-cont (bar)} p97: the first method <code>(define-method (resume (k throw-cont) tag) ...)</code> also appears on bottom of page 96. p98: the method <code>(define-method (resume (k return-from-cont) v) ...)</code> also appears a second time in the same page. {{{ Typos chapter 4 }}} p116, line 3: ChangeCompilations’’ into Compilers'' p120, 1st paragraph, line 4: Changea the moment’’ into at the moment'' p131, section 4.3.6, last paragraph: changeboolify’’ into ``type’’

Typos chapter 5

p147 : eighth line from the bottom. "the the" should just be "the"
p147 : fifth line from the bottom. "it" should be "its" in the phrase "whether it variants like meta-fact"

p150 : first equation : remove the French accent on ’beta-réduction’

p155 : first equation, the French ’et’ should be read as ’and’

p159 : lambda-calcul should be read as ’lambda-calculus’

p176 : ninth line (second line in the second full paragraph). There are two issues in the phrase "We simulate a call by value". I think the "a" should be dropped and "call by value" should be "call by name". The previous paragraph uses "call by name" correctly.

Typos chapter 6

p203 : second line. "excell" should be "excel"

Typos chapter 7

p261 : second line of the first paragraph. "struture" should be "structure"

Typos chapter 8

p286 : second paragraph under section 8.7. The sentence listing the three fundamental operations on first-class environments does not have punctuation between the last two operations : they run together. Insert a semi-colon before "extending"

Typos chapter 9

p311 : Missing letter : the first word of the text should be read as ’Ignored’

p343 : Remove ’will’ from "Our solution will won’t"

Typos chapter 11

p431 : six lines from the bottom. "errror" should be "error"


Feel free to signal me other errors.